To Watermark or Not To Watermark…
So I have never seen the point in putting watermarks on my images. with technology today it is very easy for someone to remove, and most watermarks you see are large, Gotti, poorly placed, and distract from the overall Image. However I had something happen recently that made me think to myself maybe I should rethink my No watermark policy. I was shooting an event recently that had other photographers at it. Now when I take photos of people’s children at events I normally post them on the Facebook and IG page free the families to use however they feel. In many cases they just share the post or save the photos and repost them saying thank you. Sometimes people who save the photos and repost them are kind enough to say
Photos Credit: Blind Guy Photography”. Can you guess where I am going with this? Yes, my shots from this event and the other photographers shots from this event were shared in the same post, Then the post read “Thank you so much for getting these shots blah blah blah… Photo Credit” Blind Guy Photography, Photography XYZ”. For starters I don’t want my work being mistaken for someone else’s or visa versa. What if that photographers work blows mine out of the water? They don’t want my shots being confused with their work. That could cos t them money… In this situation I didn’t want my work being confused with the other photographers. All the shots that were shared from them, unfortunately were out of focus. The only way I can see to remedy this in the future is to… UGH… Add watermarks to my images..